Void an AP Transaction in an Open Month

There are times that you will want to void an AP Transaction instead of deleting it from the system to maintain a history of the transaction.

If the month is still open and you don't need a record of the transaction, see Delete an AP Transaction

Void an AP Transaction in an Open Month

  1. In the AP module, under Programs, open AP Transaction Entry
  2. Create a new batch in the same month that the original invoice was created in
  3. From the File menu, select Add Transactions
  4. Use the lookup (F4) on AP Transaction # to find the transaction you would like to void
  5. Select the transaction and click OK
  6. Click Add to Batch
  7. Click Yes when it asks if you would like to include all lines
  8. Click No if you do not need to add another transaction
  9. Change the Invoice Total to 0.00
  10. Create a new Line on the invoice with the same Type and GL/Job coding as the original line
  11. In the Gross amount, enter the amount of the original line, but negative.
  12. Update the Description to note that this line is voiding the invoice
  13. Click File > Process Batch
  14. Validate, Preview and Post.
    You should see the Accounts Payable GL Account Debited by the amount of the transaction, and the original GL Account credited
  15. Open AP Clear Transactions
  16. Create a new batch and select the Month and AP Transaction # of the voided transaction and click Add
  17. Click Clear Transaction
  18. Validate, Preview and Post!