How to Post a Wire Transfer

1. Navigate to Wire Transfers (Cash Management > Data Entry > Wire Transfers

2. Choose the Bank Account (Wherever the money is coming out of)

3. The Wire # will auto assign with the next number in sequence.

4. Leave the GL Transaction Date. If you're applying a wire transfer after the fact, you may want to look at a bank statement and set it as that date. The GL transaction date has to be in the same month as on the bank statement.

5. Enter the Amount being transferred. The memo line is optional if there needs to be a note.

6. The "comp" is the company and should autofill.

7. Choose the Bank Account. This is where the funds will be going to.

8. Click the green "Save" Button.

9. After you're done entering the wire transfers, click Update.

10. Click the green preview button.

11. Preview the report and archive to save within Spectrum.

12. Click continue and OK.