Upload Company Logo
- Open the logo in an image editor such as MS Paint
- Click Resize, select Pixels and change Horizontal to 600. Make sure that the "Maintain aspect ratio" checkbox remains checked
Note: If the Vertical number is greater than 270, set Vertical to 270 instead - Click OK to resize the logo
- Using the bottom middle sizing handle, resize the canvas so that it is 600x270
- Center the logo on the canvas by pressing ctrl+a to select all and then click and drag to move the image to the center
- Save the file as a .png
- Log into Vista
- Open Headquarters > Programs > HQ Company Setup
- Go to the Add'l Info tab and select Browse
- Navigate to the folder the file is in. At first, the file will not appear. Type *.png in the File name box and press Open, then select the file and select Open again
- Press the Upload button below the Browse button and then save the changes