Upload Company Logo

  1. Open the logo in an image editor such as MS Paint
  2. Click Resize, select Pixels and change Horizontal to 600. Make sure that the "Maintain aspect ratio" checkbox remains checked
    Note: If the Vertical number is greater than 270, set Vertical to 270 instead
  3. Click OK to resize the logo
  4. Using the bottom middle sizing handle, resize the canvas so that it is 600x270 
  5. Center the logo on the canvas by pressing ctrl+a to select all and then click and drag to move the image to the center
  6. Save the file as a .png
  7. Log into Vista
  8. Open Headquarters > Programs > HQ Company Setup
  9. Go to the Add'l Info tab and select Browse
  10. Navigate to the folder the file is in. At first, the file will not appear. Type *.png in the File name box and press Open, then select the file and select Open again
  11. Press the Upload button below the Browse button and then save the changes