Workflow to Enter a Job
To enter a job including projected cost and revenue:
1. Open Job Setup
a. Job Cost- Jobs - Jobs - Import Estimates (Under the Properties heading)
2. Enter the job code (if necessary)
3. Click the Billing Detail button, enter a billing item for the Original Contract amount
4. Add each phase on the estimate. Include the quantity, unit cost, amount, and check the box to update projected quantity. Link each phase to the original contract amount billing item
5. Click Update, make sure the check box to "Set projected costs, quantity, and hours to currenty estimate" is checked
6. Click Continue, complete the update process
7. Navigate to the Projections screen
a. On the navigation screen, select Projected Cost (under the Costs heading)
8. Enter the job, tab until the phases appear
9. Verify that the projected profit and projected costs (on the top left) are showing and correct
10. update any projections that need to be updated by clicking and typing in the % complete, to complete, or at completion field for that phase
11. Click Save
12. Select Update
13. If needed, select the job you're updating, complete the update process