Progress Billing Workflow (Draw Requests)

To create and send an AR Invoice for a progress billing job: 

1.Open contract

a.from the Site Map: Accounts Receivable-Contracts-Contracts

2. Add any change orders

a.How to Add a Job Change Order

3.Transfer any change orders to draw request

a.From the site map, navigate to Accounts Receivable-Data Entry-Draw Request

b.Select Transfer Changes

c. Enter the job number, or leave at "ALL"

d. Find the Change Order(s) you wish to push to the draw request and select the Transfer checkbox.

e. Select the Continue button

NOTE: If change order is not appearing and the error message "Change Orders later than 'period to' date of current draw request are now shown." appears, change the Period to date of the Draw request to farther in the future. 

4 If no changes: print draw request worksheet

a. From the Site Map: Accounts Receivable-Data Entry-Draw Request Worksheet

5. Give draw request worksheet to PM. 

6. Once draw request worksheet with updated percentages is returned, update the draw request percentages complete.

a. How to Update Progress Billing Percentages

7. Transfer the draw request to AR billing

a. In the draw request, select Update Now

b. Verify invoice information, select continue

c. If any changes need to be made to the invoice, make the changes within the AR Customer Invoice Batch before posting. 

9. Post. 

10. Verify the updated billed amounts within the job.