+ GL Income Statement CM & YTD
This report displays a standard Income Statement. It runs for accounts under the company specified on the parameter screen, and will display activity from the "Beginning Month" parameter through the "Ending Month" parameter. (If "Beginning Month" is left blank, the beginning of the fiscal year will be used.)
The report can be further narrowed by the optional Part 2 and Part 3 parameters. These parameters will accept a comma-separated list of values (no spaces). Lookups are available for these parameters, but the lookups do not support multiple values.
This report requires Major categories to be properly set up on the GL Account Part 1. Specifically, each Income or Expense account that should show on this report should be assigned to a Major Category that has the Income Statement Order filled in with a value that reflects the order in which that Major Category should appear on the Income Statement. Minor Categories are available for further grouping, but are not required.
This report breaks out Revenue, Direct Costs, Indirect Expenses, General and Administrative Expenses, and Other Income / (Expense). This report will exclude any Memo or Header type account.
More information for setting up GL Account Parts for the Income Statement can be found under the GL help topic for Major Categories.
Parameters List:
- Company
- Beginning Month
- Ending Month
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
- Show MTD:
- Show Overhead Subtotal?
Report ID: 10023
Report File Name: KartayaGLIncomeStatementCM&YTD