+ AP Vendor Payment History by GL Account
Sorted by Vendor, Paid Month, CM Company, CM Account, and CM Reference, this report prints check, EFT, credit service, or Nvoicepay payment information in bold, and then lists each transaction paid by that payment. Checking the "Print Deducts Recap Detail" checkbox causes the report to list retainage, previous paid, previous discount taken, and balance amounts for each paid transaction.
Update: Filter and total with GL Acct
Parameters List:
- Company
- Sort by Vendor (S)ort Name or (N)umbers
- Beginning Vendor Number
- Ending Vendor Number
- Beginning Vendor Sort Name
- Ending Vendor Sort Name
- Beginning Paid Month
- Ending Paid Month
- Beginning Payment Date
- Ending Payment Date
- Print Checks?
- Print EFTs?
- Print Credit Service Payments?
- Print Nvoicepay?
- Print Deducts Recap Detail?
- Enter GL Acct
Report ID: 10064
Report File Name: CustomAPVendorPayHistory