Custom Timecard Lookups in Keystyle
Custom Lookups
Lookups can be customized in Keystyle by customizing the lookup in PR Timecard Entry
- Create a custom lookup in UD Custom Lookups
- Set the load sequence to 0 in PR Timecard Entry
Lookups with a Custom View
If your custom lookup uses a SQL view that you created, it will initially not work in Keystyle. You will need to create a synonym to the custom view in the Keystyle Database.
- Follow the instructions above to make the custom lookup work in Vista
- Add an entry to the Keystyle "CustomViewsToInclude" table:
USE [KDS-HRIM] GO INSERT INTO [CustomViewsToInclude] (ObjectSchema, ObjectName, KDSSynonymName, IsStandardObject) VALUES ('dbo', 'myCustomView','myCustomView',0)
In Keystyle>Admin>Portal Settings>Portal Info in the Administrative Actions section, run "Refresh Synonyms."