Setting up PM Projection Codes
There are many ways to set up Projection Codes, and many reasons why using fancy projection codes makes sense. However, in this tutorial, we're going to show how to set up Projection Codes very simply using Phases. This works for the majority of companies.
NOTE: Projection Codes must be set up prior to running a projection for the first time.
Step 1) Navigate to PM Projection Codes:
Step 2) Select the project you're ready to do projections for. Then select "Create Projection Codes from Phases" in the Tasks menu of the toolbar:
Step 3) This opens the following dialog. Click the Start button:
Step 4) Confirm that Projection Codes have been created, and click the Close button:
Step 5) Close out of the PM Projection Codes window--you are now ready to do your first projection based on the phase codes on your job!